BMA House continues successful partnership with The Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide


BMA House is continuing to showcase its sustainability and environmental practices throughout 2023 as it partners with Event Industry News, publisher of The Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide. 

The guide, which has been produced for the last three years, has become a key tool for event organisers looking for advice, information and suppliers focused on the delivery of sustainable events.  In particular, the guide includes case studies and content from industry leaders dedicated to the management and delivery of sustainable events.

BMA House will again host the launch of the 2023 guide at a breakfast that will showcase all the venue has to offer as well as the latest in sustainable food and catering from CH&CO; plus the venue’s sustainable technology solutions.  It will be an opportunity for like-minded individuals and organisations to come together, collaborate and share knowledge with the singular goal of improving event sustainability. 

Rebecca Hurley, venue marketing manager at BMA House comments: “Sustainability lies at the core of everything we do here at BMA House, rather than an add on to our events it is intrinsic in all our operations, planning and delivery.  We work with clients from the moment of enquiry to identify all areas where an event can be made more sustainable and help them achieve that within their budgets, whilst still delivering on their goals and aspirations for their events.”

Adam Parry, from Event Industry News comments: “On the return of the fourth edition of the Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide we are excited to be partnering with BMA House. With BMA’s green, eco-friendly policies and a shared passion for sustainability we couldn’t think of a better venue to partner with and host the sustainable breakfast meeting”.

Hurley concludes: “The Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide is an opportunity for us to showcase our sustainability and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with the Event industry News team across 2023.  The launch event in February is a key opportunity to highlight all that we have done and continue to do to maintain our credentials as a leading sustainable venue.”

Click here to register your interest to attend this event and join other like-minded individuals for what’s to be a fascinating and enjoyable morning.

To learn more about sustainability at BMA House visit:

Or contact their caring team on tel: 020 7874 7020 or email: or visit:

Organisations looking to be included in the Guide should contact:

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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