Tag Digital finalists at Event Technology Awards 2023


Tag Digital are delighted to be a finalist for Best Use of Technology for Marketing an Event in this year’s Event Technology Awards.

Tag Digital is a leading paid advertising agency focused specifically on the events industry, specialising in data-driven paid advertising campaigns to increase ROI for event organisers and event tech suppliers worldwide.

Growth is at the forefront of what Tag Digital does, they want their clients to grow with them. Having built the company one relationship at a time, it’s imperative their clients feel loved and the projected results are delivered.

Tag Digital live and breathe events. They know the strategies that deliver for paid advertising for the events industry. Designing and executing a digital strategy covering search, social, and video advertisements to reach the right people with the right messaging at the right time.

Their niche focus on paid advertising for events sets them apart from others in the industry. Tag Digital creates paid advertising campaigns for various objectives including visitor registration, paid delegate registration, exhibitor promotion, paid B2B ticket sales, brand awareness, lead generation and more.

As experts in events, they have built a one of a kind benchmarking tool to accurately project campaign results based on budget across different objectives, regions and industries. This data is from the 100,000+ campaigns run per year, and updated annually to ensure the projected results are precise and reliable.

In 2022, Tag Digital created a unique service that makes paid advertising accessible no matter the budget. The Tag Digital Shop is a global first, a low touch e-commerce approach to paid advertising campaigns.

This is a one of a kind service that allows you to purchase targeted traffic and brand awareness campaigns for Google, Meta, LinkedIn and YouTube.

The Shop is designed for smaller campaigns with a lower budget or last minute campaigns that don’t have the time frame for full paid advertising campaigns.

Tag Digital launched their own event DigitX in Dubai and New York in 2022, they are bringing the 3rd edition of DigitX to London in November 2023. DigitX is an unmissable opportunity for event professionals to connect and uncover the latest trends and benchmarks for 2024.

Tag Digital will be joined by speakers from Google, LinkedIn, AI Experts and industry leaders on interactive roundtables. You don’t want to miss this!

Find out how Tag Digital can help you achieve your goals today.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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