Branded merchandise founder celebrates hitting 20!


As 2023, draws to a close, TeamTogs, the branded apparel, uniforms and merchandise specialist and uniform partner for Event Sustainability Live is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Founded by Karen Saragoussi in 2003, the company has grown from small beginnings to now having its own showroom space and in-house design and production capability in Hertfordshire.

An idea is born…
Karen trained as an Events Project Manager which she loved. During this time, she identified the importance of well-dressed teams and supporting merchandise to impact audiences and brands. However, she noticed that no one was offering a truly consultative approach to branded Apparel and Merchandise and so the idea for TeamTogs was born!

“It was great working with TeamTogs for ESL 2023, they really care, the whole process from start to finish was seamless, and the quality of their sustainable uniforms was excellent. We look forward to working with them again in 2024 and would thoroughly recommend them.”

Kizzy Allott, Sales & Marketing Director

Event Sustainability LiveEvent Tech Live | Event Technology Awards

Small beginnings… 
In 2003 initially, TeamTogs HQ was the spare room of Karen’s flat in North London and she continued to freelance in the events world to pay the bills. After two years, as the business grew, and her spare room was overflowing, she needed space and order! So, she hired a desk in a West London studio and decided to throw herself into TeamTogs full-time. It made sense that her then fiancé Martin (who she’d met in the events industry) joined her in her mission. Soon, it was time to invest in more space and some equipment, so TeamTogs took over the garage of Karen and Martin‘s first home in Hertfordshire. As the TeamTogs premises were expanding, so was the TeamTogs family; they hired their first employee and they were fortunate enough to welcome their two sons.

The juggle is real… 
Looking back, Karen recalls that juggling motherhood, a growing business, employees and working with her husband was at times crazy! Hard work, humour and humility kept them going, and of, course the loyalty of a growing and varied customer base. Within a few years, TeamTogs had taken over one and then two units of a local business park, employing four people and investing in some serious printing and embroidery machinery. 

The Watling Street era…
In 2011, TeamTogs moved into their current home on Watling Street, Radlett, initially occupying the basement, then taking over the ground floor in 2014. After surviving the pandemic, where the world they operated in and worked with went virtual, they expanded to the 1st floor in 2022 so now occupy three floors of their Hertfordshire hub!  Here they have an impressive range of machinery which enables them to manage production in-house, a bespoke showroom to showcase their capabilities and a wonderful specialist team. 

Looking back, Karen would never have dared to dream that TeamTogs would occupy its current premises and have had the opportunity to work with such interesting and diverse clients. She is immensely proud of the TeamTogs team and is grateful to all those that have supported TeamTogs along the way.

How they help…

TeamTogs offer a fully managed service to event agencies, corporates, SMEs, clubs, groups and teams to bring brands alive. They have in-house print and embroidery services and are dedicated to sustainability. They also have a wardrobe and merch management portal for ease of order management and fulfilment.

Despite their organic growth, they’ve never lost sight of their values, and they continue to offer a personal touch and a consultative approach to all their clients. We’re excited to see what the future holds for TeamTogs! 

Karen’s five biggest learnings…
Obviously, the last 20 years have been a massive learning curve but if she had to summarise what she and her team have learnt it comes down to these five nuggets which she shares with anyone starting a business: 

1. Innovate, be on-trend, energetic and positive in your approach.
2. Automate wherever possible and strive to improve operational efficiency every day.
3. Really care about your clients, your colleagues and the quality of your work.
4. Invest in branded merchandise, your next customer will thank you for it!
5. Love what you do!

To find out more, email, call 01923 853104 or visit

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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