Easyfairs wins the 2023 UFI HR Award


UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has named Easyfairs as the winner of the 2023 UFI HR Award.

The UFI HR Award honours the most successful, creative and innovative HR initiatives in the exhibition industry. The topic for the 2023 Award was “Innovative retention and recruitment strategies”, and Easyfairs was chosen for their project that highlighted some of the many initiatives undertaken to conquer the labour market, enhance employee experience and thrive in the war for talent.

“With the 2023 UFI HR Award we distinguish the best strategies for innovative retention and recruiting within the industry. The jury had the honour and great task to evaluate many applications and finally decided to short-list three of them as finalists. During the HR Forum that took place in June in Maastricht, the three finalists presented their solutions live and shortly after that, the Jury chose the winner. Congratulations to Easyfairs for sharing an extraordinary and trendsetting solution!” says Robert T. Heinemann, Managing Partner / CEO at HEINEMANN MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GMBH and Chair of the HR Management Working Group.

“We are thrilled and honoured to receive the 2023 UFI HR Award, which acknowledges Easyfairs’ capacity to innovate, adapt, and transform our HR and leadership practices. This prestigious accolade is especially welcome in the post-COVID era. Our industry, perhaps more than any other, has had to exert even greater effort and display even greater creativity to keep attracting and retaining talents as they demand greater purpose, trust, empowerment, and growth in their careers. We’d like to thank the jury for recognising our determination to be an employer of choice,” shares Yasmine Couderc, Group Head of Talent at Easyfairs.

The jury also acknowledged two additional finalists for their exceptional projects and recognised them as Best Practices due to their outstanding quality: Emerald (US) for sharing their strategy of uniting People & Culture and Communication functions to drive results and RX USA for their presentation on how they are rebuilding a strong workforce through proactively managing their workforce, bringing and embracing more diversity, recognition and value.

The winner and finalist entries are available for download on our website: The 2023 UFI HR Award.

The UFI HR Award is one of UFI’s annual Award categories that recognises and rewards successful results-oriented initiatives in the exhibition industry. These awards celebrate excellence in areas ranging from human resources and digital innovation to marketing and sustainable development. More information on the UFI Awards is available at www.ufi.org/awards.

The 2023 UFI Award winners will share their projects at the 90th UFI Global Congress, which will take place from 1-4 November 2023 in Las Vegas.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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