First Sight Media bags a five-show win!


Video production company, First Sight Media, has had an exceptional month, securing contracts to provide filming, streaming and video production services to five of the event industry’s key shows, AMP Events’ Event Tech Live and Event Sustainability Live in November 2023, and Mash Media’s International Confex, The Event Production Show and The PA Show in February 2024.

In November, twenty-one of First Sight Media’s crew will head for ExCeL London to film and stream content from Event Tech Live and Event Sustainability Live. During the shows, the First Sight Media team will be filming and streaming from the two main stages at each show and five additional stages. Alongside this, First Sight Media will be delivering its ‘on-floor’ studio, where the crew will be filming ‘continuity content’ anchored by Simon Howard. Twenty-one cameras will work across the two shows and the studios; all filming will be mixed on the show floor, ready for output, with each show having a daily highlights video. The Event Tech Awards, held at the show’s close on the first day, will see First Sight Media filming a highlights video.

First Sight Media’s MD, Rich Belcher, commented, “Our ‘on-floor’ studio concept has become part of what we now call ‘Feeding the Beast’. Put simply, it provides entertaining and informative content that keeps the online audience engaged between sessions on the main stages. Crucially, we view the whole day as a single production event rather than a series of small filming activities. This means the content is joined up  and flows, and we keep the online audience engaged throughout the day’s content just as much as the in-person attendees.”

In February 2024, the team will return to ExCeL London with a crew of 16 to work on the Mash Media shows – International Confex, the Event Production Show and the PA Show, where they will be delivering filming services to all stages at The PA Show, and the main stages at both International Confex and The Event Production Show, along with daily highlight videos.

“The timing and logistics of filming, streaming, editing and delivering a range of broadcast quality output across all of these shows is challenging, but that’s what we relish. The AMP shows will take 684 hours of crew time, the Mash Media shows will take 528, and every hour will be used to make the show content work as hard as possible for the organisers. It’s also nice to encourage our customers to push themselves a little to give the audiences and attendees a bit of extra fizz that will make them want to attend and return next year,” added Belcher.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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