2Heads Global: Top 10 Sustainable Event Suppliers


Sustainability in events is an extremely complex and multi-faceted subject which, faced as a whole, can seem daunting and expensive.

At 2Heads, we don’t focus on one particular product solution or a specific list of line-item services. Tricky problems need creative solutions. Especially the conundrum of sustainable event-design which ideally should be considered from day one of the brief and evolved alongside all other main factors like brand experience, content creation and budget management.

Certain events lend themselves well to a formulaic approach where measurement, mitigation and management are straightforward. However, a lot of events have complex needs with twenty or so suppliers coming together internationally to create an experience for thousands of people.

Let’s face it, the idea of factoring in a net-zero carbon strategy alongside the other KPI’s an event manager needs to hit, we know pressures will grow. We can also guess which factor might be side-lined.

Not so if the solution is part of the event’s agnostic design from day one.

How is that achieved, I hear you ask?

Here’s a quick peek into the 2Heads SOS – Serious on Sustainability consultative approach:


Two heads are better than one, right? We deep dive our brands needs, restraints and fears with a series of consultative workshops designed by external experts to pull apart the sustainability question and then put it together in a starting-point brief.


Sustainability in events is impossible without stakeholder engagement. We use a series of assets and discussion sessions to engage your peers, your stakeholders and budget managers to ‘sell’ in the long-term benefits of your approach


Onto the nitty-gritty. Brands work with our different departments including 2D & 3D creative, digital content and potentially virtual producers (if hybrid is a sensible approach), to craft a well-rounded event and sustainability management plan that is bespoke to you and your individual needs.


Measure once, measure twice, measure thrice. Knowing your numbers is important. We start with initial carbon measurement using well-known industry tools to create a baseline. This is then improved upon with evolution of the sustainability management plan. Post event, we get those numbers locked down so you know exactly where you are at … and where you can go next.


The point of taking a consultative approach is to make your life easier. With each iteration, we will take the learnings from the previous events to streamline processes, improve management plans and provide more value for less cost. Repeat and repeat until such time your sustainability considerations are as automated as your invite list. The use of intelligent platform and measurement tools that – with one click – allow you to get setup for the next event is something we believe in. The less friction, the more useful a tool is to our clients.

The great thing is, the more you do, the easier is gets.

Would you like to know more about the SOS approach? Between May and September, we are offering a free consultation workshop for those brands looking to build sustainable events for 2023.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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