Bizzabo launches Klik Experiential wearable onsite technology for flagship events

The SmartBadge™ enables enhanced organizer insights and attendee engagement as in-person events surge


Bizzabo, the Event Experience Operating System (OS), has launched Klik Experiential, wearable onsite technology for flagship events. Building on the event technology leader’s wide range of in-person solutions for registration, check-in and lead retrieval, Bizzabo’s SmartBadge™ empowers Event Experience Leaders to deliver enhanced experiences for attendees and exhibitors while capturing insightful behavioral data.

The number of in-person events on Bizzabo’s Event Experience OS increased by almost 724% between January and September of 2022 alone, an enthusiastic signal of the industry’s readiness to return to conferences, trade shows, and other large networking gatherings. Looking ahead, 85% of event organizers plan to host at least three in-person events in 2023, with 35% planning to host at least 10, according to a recent Bizzabo survey.

As in-person events gain momentum, attendee expectations are higher than ever. Onsite check-in should be painless. Sessions should be easily accessible. Content should be simple to download. Exhibitor interactions should be effortless. Sustainability should be a demonstrated priority. The SmartBadge makes these expectations a reality by transforming a passive accessory into an intuitive, interactive asset.

The wearable technology enables:

  • Attendees to check into sessions, download content and optimize networking capabilities, exchanging contact information with exhibitors and other attendees with the click of a button.
  • Exhibitors to capture, access and use simplified, robust lead retrieval through seamless interactions.
  • Event organizers to capture unparalleled attendee behavioral data through passive tracking and to streamline session management, leveraging data to make decisions about and activate in-the-moment adjustments.
  • An enhanced path to sustainability, eliminating unnecessary paper items and shipping. The SmartBadge is also reusable, allowing organizers to return badges to Bizzabo to be reset and recycled as needed.
  • Data privacy, as no personal information is stored on the SmartBadge.

“Marketers discovered the value of detailed, real-time data insights when they pivoted to virtual events. With the introduction of Klik Experiential, we’re inviting organizers to build on what they learned from virtual events to make the new era of in-person events even brighter. The SmartBadge enables the best of both worlds: face-to-face interactions supported by powerful, intuitive technology to amplify the value of events for organizers, attendees and exhibitors. Just because in-person events are back doesn’t mean the data is gone,” said Eran Ben-Shushan, CEO and co-founder of Bizzabo.

Additional features of the SmartBadge include:

  • OneKlik Touchpoint, which eliminates the need for standard URLs or shipping and printing to and from events. With just a click, attendees can download content and information seamlessly throughout the event.
  • Audience Lights, which remotely light up attendee SmartBadges. Light up all the SmartBadges at once to heighten engagement in large sessions or use customized colors for defined groups, such as ticket types.
  • Digital Heatmaps to visualize attendee engagement in near-real time on organizers’ event dashboards to better identify popular sessions and exhibitors.
  • Gamification through touchpoints, session attendance or Klik networking to enhance experiences and provide increased opportunities for branded sponsorship.
  • The Klik exhibitor portal, which gives exhibitors easy, quick access to leads during and after the event.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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