Music Venue Trust announces headline sponsor & keynote speaker for Venues Day 2022

Music Venue Trust anounces Ticketmaster as headline sponsor for Venues Day 2022. Frank Turner to give keynote address and other speakers confirmed


Music Venue Trust (MVT) has announced Ticketmaster as the headline sponsor for its forthcoming Venues Day annual networking event, which takes place on Tuesday 18th October at Hackney Church (formerly known as St John at Hackney Church), London. 

MVT, which represents almost 1000 UK grassroots music venues (GMVs), has hosted this annual one day gathering for the sector since 2014, designed specifically for the people who run the nation’s GMVs and the promoters, agents, artists, government departments, funding bodies and services who engage with them.

Venue Day 2022 is designed to help delegates maximise networking opportunities and explore new connections and relationships as they seek the best way forward in these challenging times for the sector.

Beverley Whitrick, Chief Operating Officer at Music Venue Trust & Venues Day Producer

Beverley Whitrick, Chief Operating Officer at Music Venue Trust & Venues Day Producer said, “Ticketmaster’s support has been key in MVT’s ability to deliver Venues Day over the last few years. We are grateful to them for committing to continue this partnership and enabling us to design the national networking event the sector needs to face the challenges of 2022 and beyond.” 

Andrew Parsons, MD of Ticketmaster UK said, “With the ever-changing landscape of the UK, it’s more important than ever to show our support for grassroots venues by continuing our well-established partnership with Music Venue Trust and their pivotal annual Venues Day. Last year, we introduced an initiative with MVT that allows for a significant rebate onall booking fees which we look forward to continuing to get more revenue back in the hands of these beloved venues who need it the most.”

Long-time supporter and patron of MVT Frank Turner has also been announced as a keynote speaker and will give the welcoming address at Venue Day, with BBC Radio 6 Music presenter Steve Lamacq confirmed to host the event’s now traditional morning panel, interviewing venue representatives from across the UK about their programmes and experiences

Tickets for Venues Day 2022 are now on sale and full event details can be found at

Parties interested in sponsorship or other partnership opportunities at Venues Day 2022 should contact .

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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