CloserStill Media achieves record revenues of more than $120m


CloserStill Media, a world-leading producer of market-leading events, today announced a record year of trading in 2022.

CloserStill generated revenues in excess of $120m in 2022, representing an organic increase of more than 15% compared to pre-pandemic levels of trading in 2019. Combining the impact of acquisitions, the company will report total revenues in 2022 that are more than 40% larger than 2019.

Whilst headquartered in the UK, the majority of CloserStill’s revenues are now recorded internationally, with the event leader operating out of major hubs in New York and Singapore, as well as further operations across continental Europe and North America. CloserStill now employs 450 people, which is a significant increase on its pre-pandemic size.

“We are delighted with our performance in 2022. We have seen a full recovery in our business across almost all of our markets in 2022, allowing us to grow above expectations,” said Gareth Bowhill, CEO of CloserStill Media. “This is a testament to our disciplined strategic sector focus across technology and healthcare markets, to the strength of the positioning of our events, and to the quality and commitment of our people over what has been an extremely challenging few years for our business and the industry as a whole.”

CloserStill started 2023 by making two acquisitions, New York-based CommerceNext and London-based OpenRoom, which has a global footprint for healthcare and retail events.

“We are very encouraged by our early activity in 2023. It is fantastic to see robust trading across our organisation, which will support a further year of significant organic growth. We are very focussed on pursuing a number of organic initiatives across the organisation, which has already seen us launch eight new events in the last 12 months, as well as continuing to nurture a strong M&A pipeline, which we anticipate will deliver further acquisitions in the coming months,” added Bowhill.

CloserStill continues to expand its size, and has a number of open roles across its global footprint to support this growth.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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