mci group publishes 2022 Sustainability Report


mci group publishes 2022 sustainability report. In 2022 the group helped raise nearly €3.5m for charity, launched 80 client projects about sustainability or with an integrated sustainability approach and organised 3 Net Zero carbon events. mci group talents received 3,696 hours of training and volunteered 1,909 hours for community and pro-bono work.Since 2007, the group has been a proud signatory of the UN’s Global Compact agreement, emphasising its commitment to people, planet, and performance. Last year, it celebrated 15 years of commitment to this global initiative, echoing the company’s pursuit of sustainable growth, carbon neutrality, and diversity.mci group has actively committed to the global Net Zero Carbon Events initiative. Not only has the group signed the pledge, but it has also contributed its expertise by joining the board and participating in the Operations and Food & Food Waste task forces.mci group also achieved ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certifications, demonstrating its commitment to international standards for Information Security and Data Privacy. After MCI France, MCI Middle East is now certified ISO 20121 for sustainable events management.Sebastien Tondeur, mci group Chief Executive Officer, says: “Being genuinely sustainable isn’t just about making the best possible choices while working with our clients. It’s about ensuring every action we take betters us as a group and enables others to have better opportunities for themselves.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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