Aggreko recognised by regional events industry for sustainability initiatives that saved more than 10 T of CO2 emissions for Dubai Desert Classic

Aggreko team at Middle East Events Award

Aggreko, the leading global provider of innovative temporary energy solutions for spectacular shows, was applauded by the regional events sector at the Middle East Events show for the company’s sustainability initiatives for the 2023 and 2022 editions of Dubai Desert Classic organised by Falcon and Associates. Aggreko helped save 10.92 T of CO2 emissions in total for both the events and won the ‘Best Sustainability Initiative’ award for their efforts to maximise energy efficiency and implement renewable energy solutions that reduce the overall carbon footprint of events.

According to Martin Nichol, Head of Events MENA, Aggreko: “We are thrilled to be recognised by Middle East Events for our green initiatives to develop a socially responsible, sustainable events industry in the Middle East, and we look forward to working closely with the regional events sector, to provide power solutions for more sustainable events like the Dubai Desert Classic. To reach our own goal of achieving net zero emissions from our facilities and operations by 2035 and 30% reduction in the emissions intensity of our energy solutions by 2030, we diligently monitor all our event operations to maximise energy efficiency and implement renewable energy solutions that reduce the overall carbon footprint of each event – ensuring that we leave the greatest positive impact on the environment and the communities we serve.”

For the 2023 Hero Dubai Desert Classic, Aggreko pioneered the use of modular PV panels and a Hybrid Inverter solution. A kit of 540 W PV panels was placed on the roof of the events structures, each framed with a stand to provide the required incline level to get the necessary level of sunlight. These 219 solar panels harvested the direct power from sunlight which was then transferred to an alternate current of 400V 3-phase supply with the help of an inverter. This solution acted as a fuel displacement, taking load off the generators and in turn reducing CO2 emissions, trickle-charging the batteries at the same time. The event was entirely powered by B20-graded Biofuel. As a result of Aggreko’s initiatives, Hero Dubai Desert Classic was able to save 5.52 T of CO2 emissions. 1,962 kWh was generated from solar power and an impressive 2,100 litres of Biofuel was saved during the course of the sporting event.

Simon Corkill Executive Tournament Director from Falcon and Associates, organisers of Hero Dubai Desert Classic, said: “We are delighted that Dubai Desert Classic’s commitment to sustainability has been recognised by the regional events sector. It was a pleasure to work with Aggreko, who were completely on board in supporting us to realise our pledge to become GEO accredited in a three-year plan, a move that involved a major drive towards sustainable products across all events operations. Having previously worked with Aggreko, we were convinced that they will be a reliable partner to deliver dependable energy solutions for an event of this scale.”

The award also applauded Aggreko’s support for Dubai Desert Classic 2022, where the company brought three different sustainable elements to provide power – Solar Panel Container (PV panels), Battery Storage Units and all generators running on Biofuel. In total, Aggreko installed 210 Solar panels, generating 1,550 kWh of solar energy. The initiatives helped the golf tournament save 5.4 T of CO2 emissions. The entire event was also powered by B20-graded Biofuel, all locally sourced in Dubai.

Aggreko was also the power partner for the Middle East Events show held in Dubai this month. The company provided all the technical power required to run the show by installing three 200 kVA generators. Over the last year, Aggreko has powered more than 35 events in the UAE including the opening of Atlantis the Royal, AUH Golf – HSBC Abu Dhabi Golf Championship, Taste of Dubai, Dubai International Boat Show 2023, and others.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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