Perfect partner for Event Tech Live 2021


Eventscase is the headline sponsor for Event Tech Live 2021 (ETL21).

Launched in London 9 years ago, Eventscase has become an all-in-one digital solution for organisers; a platform with every bit of digital kit for a show.

A visitor, exhibitor, supporter of ETL since the show started, Eventscase sees the COVID-19 era as a tipping point for technology, highlighting how it’s created a new model attendee, people who only understand an event through its tech. And how the industry must not leave them behind.

“Being headline sponsor of ETL21 means being where we need to be,” Jose Bort, CEO at Eventscase, said. “For a few days we will have the opportunity to meet, share and connect.

“Event Tech Live 2021 will be the first occasion where we show our new branding, tell visitors and exhibitors about our change of positioning as a company and explain our new business model. ETL21 is going to be our premiere.

Event Tech Live 2021 is free to attend and will take place at the Old Truman Brewery on 3-4 November and online from 1-5 November.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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