Entegy: Event Technology Awards 2022 Finalist


Entegy is an end-to-end events communication and engagement platform designed specifically for hybrid and live business events. Central to the platform is a single set of live profile and content data that powers all applications and functions.

Entegy loves live events and made a decision in early 2020 not chase the flooded virtual market, but instead focus on the further development of specific features for the return of in-person events. Entegy co-founder and chief operating officer Gus Hotchin talks about the strategy they took and journey thus far.

“While we were patiently waiting for the inevitable return of in-person events, we got to work on some system life improvements and new products we felt we needed to become feature complete. In late 2021 we released our new registration product to our existing clients in the US and APAC markets. The response and feedback has been amazing and it’s now become one of our most activated feature sets. I think its success is because we built our communication, engagement and onsite tools first, and then our registration system. This has resulted in an intelligent data flow, providing on-demand profiles across all feature sets.”

“On top of this we’ve really excited to preview our new website feature at Event Tech Live in a few months. It’s a product with the same kind of smarts about it and allows you to build a website, using a custom domain, from shared project information including agenda, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors, to name a few.” he says.

Recently, Entegy was selected a finalist in the Event Technology Awards for the categories of Best Event Technology <10,000 attendees and Best Event App. Hotchin goes on to explain what this means for Entegy.

“We’re really proud of where our people and platform have arrived. The best decisions I think we made were at the start of 2020 and Entegy is now in such a good place. I think all this has culminated in being honoured as a finalist in the Event Technology Awards. We rate the ELT Awards as the benchmark for international events so understandably we’re pumped.” Hotchin says.

If you’d like to try out the flatform free of charge go to signup.entegy.events or watch this case study that covers key features of the platform.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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