2021 Goodwood Festival of Speed to go ahead at full capacity

All ticket holders can attend the Sussex motoring festival but must be vaccinated or test negative for Covid-19


The Goodwood Festival of Speed will go ahead as planned, after being named as a pilot event to test Covid-19 safety measures.

The event at the Sussex venue will take place on 8-11 July but had been in doubt after the government delayed the lifting of social-distancing measures and limits on mass events due to ongoing coronavirus case levels. 

That cast doubt on Goodwood’s plans, but the event has confirmed on social media that it has been named as part of the Events Research Programme (ERP), which has run scientific studies at a number of events.

The decision means that all ticket, grandstand and hospitality pass holders will be able to attend as planned, including those who ‘rolled over’ tickets from the cancelled 2020 event. 

As part of the ERP study, everyone attending the Festival must have either received two doses of Covid-19 vaccine at least 14 days before the event, or show proof of a negative lateral flow test taken within 48 hours of attending. Attendees will also have to consent to ERP and NHS test and trace requirements.

The delay in the lifting of coronavirus restrictions has created uncertainty for a number of motoring and motorsport events.

The British Grand Prix is due to take place on 18 July. Organisers said they are “confident fans will be back at Silverstone” and are in discussions with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and Public Health England.

The UK government’s ERP has staged scientific studies on the impact of mass events on the coronavirus at a number of events in the past few months. Pilot events so far include the FA Cup semi-finals and final at Wembley, the Brit Awards in London, Royal Ascot and the recent Download Festival at Donington Park.

Orignially published by Autocar.co.uk on 21st June 2021. SOURCE

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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