Dahlia El Gazzar & Michelle Bruno: how to slay 2020


If you’ve got your eye on the U.S. #eventtech market in 2020, there are any number of ways to approach it.

Event Tech Master Class: Blueprint for U.S. Sales and Marketing is designed to take you through the paces of building out or recalibrating a plan that leverages your resources wisely and identifies the decision-makers, influencers and potential partners that can accelerate your growth.

Why listen to us?

You might be wondering why we—Dahlia El Gazzar and Michelle Bruno—have the authority to present a workshop like this. Here are a few things you may or may not know about us:

Dahlia spends every day connecting. DAHLIA+Agency staffs Tech and Branding Bars in over 60 events annually. Plus, through her growing client portfolio of event technology companies and organizers and the hundreds of #eventtech presentations and webinars she and her team deliver every year, she keeps her ears to the ground on what’s new and what works.  

Michelle spends every day speaking to event technology founders or their clients about how the tech works and why companies and people use it. She has heard hundreds of stories from those with great ideas but no understanding of the buyers to those with all the connections and mediocre ideas.

Together, we have the wisdom and perspectives to share with startups, companies that need to pivot, innovators looking for partners, successful firms seeking opportunities, and junior staff needing to be brought up to speed.

You will leave the Event Tech Master Class: Blueprint for U.S. Sales and Marketing with a plan or we’ll have saved you a lot of time and money.

Event Details

  • Date: Tuesday, 5th November – Right before Event Tech Live
  • Time: 3.00pm – 6.00pm
  • Location: Huckletree – Shoreditch

Register today.

Who’s This for:

  • Event tech startups with market growth ambitions, but limited marketing funds
  • Event tech companies that need to pivot with their current U.S. marketing strategy
  • Event tech innovators that have an idea on a napkin and are seeking potential strategic partners
  • Event tech companies that need validation on whether they are doing it right or missing opportunities

What we will cover:

  • List of U.S. buyer personas + selling points for each
  • How to discover untapped white space
  • How to conduct a market analysis
  • Discussion on industry resources
  • Discussion on industry associations, their nuances, and member profiles
  • List of industry events and attendee demographics
  • List of leading media outlets and how to execute public relations, story pitches and media campaigns in the U.S.
  • Discussion of industry influencers and how to build your network
  • Elements of a successful U.S. sales and marketing plan
  • Budget for a sales and marketing operation in the U.S

You will also receive a one-hour consultation with Dahlia and her team.

Register today.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com