Event Engine is the CMS that flexes to fit into your evolving business processes. Visit us on stand 3402


Not all event CMS platforms are the same.

Five years ago, the basic functions of an event CMS would have happily satisfied the needs of the average conference or event organiser: beautiful website templates, front-end drag and drop design and editor, form builder, agenda/speaker/exhibitor modules etc.

Now… not so much.

Your event website is far more than a showcase to update information and upload data capture forms. It’s a central component of your digital marketing machinery that both gives and receives real-time information about how your audience is engaging with your business.

Your website should let you track, monitor and measure activity across all your audience groups so you can have a deepening understanding about their motivations, preferences and behaviours in order to develop closer relationships. It should let you see how well your own activities are working and what might need your attention during each campaign lifecycle.

Today’s conference or event website is part of the control panel that should automatically communicate with your organisation’s preferred CRM, mailing application, social media management platform, or any element of your digital marketing suite that depends on real time information to give you what you need to make informed decisions.

Event Engine enables all of this. How? Because it’s not a ‘closed system’ developed by a small, pressurised team that’s trying to stay ahead of the curve. It’s built on an open platform that continually keeps up to date with marketing tech developments and so can be integrated with countless marketing and automation tools at the click of a few buttons.

Event Engine is a ‘framework’, meaning it flexes to fit into your organisation’s processes without the need for lengthy custom development projects (or the consequential budgets). This allows your marketing team to discover, trial and fully integrate new technologies as they enter the scene, without the headache of incompatibility resulting from your website’s limitations.

We believe Event Engine is the only self-service website platform that allows you to carry out your entire digital marketing strategy without needing to spend any extra money on custom code or upgrades that would otherwise need to happen when new complementary technologies come along.

Your website should not be the blocker to marketing tech innovations and evolving strategies. At the very least, in 2020 it should let you integrate with:

  1. Latest social media retargeting tools
  2. Evolving third-party data analysis tools
  3. Other third-party tech by way of a robust API

Event Engine lets you build very, very integratable, drag‘n’droppable, customisable, templated industry-specific sites.

If your event website is blocking your freedom to integrate new marketing initiatives, then please consider Event Engine. Get in touch today to arrange a conversation and/or see a demo.

Tim Davies, Co-Founder and Evangelist
Lee Jackson, Co-Founder and Chief Architect

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Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com