Canapii wins two back-to-back awards at SBR and Event Tech Live


World leading event management platform, Canapii, has been awarded with two back-to-back awards: The Software award in the start-up category by the Singapore Business Review and the Best Event Tech Start-Up award at Event Tech Live 2021.

“Canapii is over the moon to have been awarded two gold medals in the start-up sector”, says Gemma Edwards, Co-Founder at Canapii.

After clinching Canapii’ s first award, the Technology Excellence in Software Award by SBR, Gemma Edwards shares the story behind the company’s journey, as well as insights on some of its success stories with its prestigious clients like HP.

Since its inception in 2020, Canapii has been empowering all event organizers to create meaningful experiences in the virtual and hybrid space. Today, the event management software has enabled hundreds of events of all sizes to be streamlined across the globe, reaching audiences directly in their homes. With celebrity appearances and renown leaders joining in onto the platform, Canapii has extended its reach as it aims to connect people together and provide engaging opportunities for all users on the platform.

Following their success at the SBR awards, Canapii was honored to win yet another prestigious award at the Event Tech Live. Eleanor Martin, Co-Founder at Canapii, shares her excitement:

“What a huge accomplishment for the Canapii team, we are beyond excited to have received these awards which truly highlight our legitimacy in the field. We can’t wait to see what’s next and keep on pursuing our mission of creating the most advanced experiences in virtual and hybrid events. Thank you all for your support and the trust you have in Canapii!”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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