Guest Blog: A simple alternative for hosting your event online amid Coronavirus


By Jyrki Paananen, COO, Brella

I know I’m not the first to talk about COVID-19 and its effect on events. It’s a trying time for the entire industry. This is one of the biggest wake-up calls for the industry and it’s causing organizations and governments to look at events in a critical way.

We’ve seen a lot of cancellations and postponements over the past few weeks. I won’t get into those, but I will offer a potential solution to any event organizer not wanting to cancel or postpone: going virtual.

At Brella, we believe 100% in the power of face-to-face connections and the superior environment for those connections that your events provide. We attend meetings and events for fresh knowledge, the amazing experience and to meet new, interesting people face-to-face.

However, no meeting should come at the risk of security and safety. The decision to postpone or even cancel your event is incredibly tough, but unfortunately it is a discussion you need to have.

Yet, instead of postponing or canceling your event, now it’s possible to host your event online with no hiccups. Meaning: you can deliver on the promises made to your attendees, sponsors, and stakeholders, while ensuring financial stability for you and your organization.

The answer lies in virtual (hosted via livestream and where participants join from their computer or mobile device) or hybrid events (those with both in-person and virtual elements) and embracing the technology to facilitate it, like Brella. This innovative technology provides the experience your sponsors and attendees paid for while ensuring they have peace of mind in their own home.

And Brella is incredibly simple to set up and use as your virtual event platform. You don’t need a full tech team to host your event online in 2020.

We’ve made it even simpler for you with a host of new features:

  • Livestream support for your attendees to easily access your livestreams & content directly within Brella
  • Virtual meeting support so your attendees can connect & meet online from the comfort of their own home
  • Time zone standardization so your attendees stay on track and on time
  • AI-powered matchmaking to assist attendees during networking breaks
  • Effective virtual sponsor promotion features to help you provide more valuable event sponsorship opportunities

No matter the size of your event, we can accommodate all of participants and livestreams. We’ve hosted virtual & hybrid events since 2016, so our experienced team of consultants will help make your switch stress-free.

We also offer our leading matchmaking platform to help your participants connect and further their professional development.

Powered by artificial intelligence, our matchmaking helps attendees make deeper, more relevant connections by going beyond basic interests and matching attendees based on the goals they want to achieve at your event.

We also offer virtual meeting support, meaning they can chat 1:1 virtually from your event platform, simulating the networking experience at your event.

All of this adds up to an incredible event experience online, happening no matter where your attendees are.

In short, you can use Brella to:

  • Fulfill the promise made to sponsors and exhibitors
  • Ensure your attendees have a quality experience where they can learn and network
  • Keep your event running smoothly to generate revenue

Best of all, a commitment to virtual doesn’t mean you throw your event portfolio out the window. Nearly any event can be hosted online, and virtual event platforms also work similarly to event apps, meaning they can serve you well at your next in-person event.

To learn more about our virtual event capabilities, visit our website or schedule a free consultation call with our experts.

Stay strong during these times.

This content is sponsored by Brella

Jyrki has 10+ years of experience within the event industry from a global perspective being stationed from Dubai to Silicon Valley & New York. From production to strategy, he’s now moved on to event technology with the mission to disrupt human interactions in the $1.1 trillion industry of events.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: