Out of this world! New #eventtech allows you to take selfies from space!


Spelfie is the first-of-its-kind selfie app that allows users to capture images taken from space. The brand-new technology uses satellite imagery to take photographs of different areas of the world, making it ideal to capture large outdoor events.

The free-to-use app uses cameras on Airbus Earth-observation satellites to capture the images. Users download the app, select the event to which they are attending and receive instructions on where to be and when. They then take a selfie at the same time the satellite is capturing its own image and the two photographs are later downloaded to the app side-by-side.

The technology was first used to take an image of an environmental campaign in Bali where protestors took to the beach to form the words ‘act now’.

It is aimed at large sporting and cultural events and was unofficially tested at this year’s Glastonbury Festival. It will allow organisers of large-scale events to monitor attendance

CEO, Chris Newlands, told Event Industry News: “Spelfie aims to positively disrupt the $144 billion events marketing and sponsorship industry, allowing brands to increase revenues by driving event attendees, influencers and their traffic directly to the brands’ websites. At the same time, the attendees capture and share their memories at major events and uniquely, from space, using state of the art satellite technology. Experiential, organic branded content from space, shared into social platforms, what’s not to love?

“Spelfie is in advanced discussions with tourist boards including that of the Seychelles who wish to showcase their environment. We have significant interest from huge global events and sporting bodies across the globe too, they are considering using our technology to amplify their events and increase their sponsors ROI.”

Commenting on attending this year’s Event Tech Live, he said: “We met some amazing brands at #ETL19, including representatives from FIFA and EXPO 2020 – the latter was excited at just how Spelfie could bring EXPO 2020 to life by capturing the entire event and all attendees in a unique shareable image from space!”

Spelfie bosses are working towards developing the technology so that Spelfies can be taken from anywhere in the world, without users having to attend a certain event. This means users of the app will be notified if a satellite is in range of their location, allowing them to take a Spelfie! More in 2021…

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com