Tobacco Dock joins the Association of Event Venues

Great Gallery and The Dock Gallery in socially distanced configuration for the UKickstart Event 2020

London event venue, Tobacco Dock, has today become the latest event venue to become a member of the Association of Event Venues (AEV).

Built in 1812 as a hub for precious cargo arriving from the New World, such as wine and, of course, tobacco. The Grade 1 listed Tobacco Dock offers a generous 57 spaces over 16,000 sqm and hosts events for the world’s leading brands.

Jonathan Read, commercial director, at Tobacco Dock explains the reason why the venue has joined the AEV, “We’ve been incredibly impressed by the outstanding lobbying AEV has done on behalf of the events industry throughout the recent crisis and are delighted to join them as new members. We’re looking forward to working alongside the membership to champion our remarkable industry, collaborate with our peers and encourage the next generation of event profs!”

The venue was one of the UKickstart Event 2020 participating venues, a free to attend opportunity for meeting professionals to demonstrate the power of events; to showcase the industry and inspire confidence; to be the catalysts that kick-starts the events industry. The aim being to bring everyone together – whether in-person at one of the 11 venue hubs or online.

AEV director, Rachel Parker, commented, “Tobacco Dock is an iconic London venue we are delighted to welcome into membership. The more venues that join strengthens our position when speaking to government and other national bodies, as well as sharing best practice to the benefit of the entire membership. We are looking forward to meeting the team from Tobacco Dock at our online working groups and in person when the restrictions allow.”

The Dock @ Toacco Dock. 21st May 2019. Photo by Steve Dunlop. 07762084057
Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.