Using immersive tech to broaden customer reach


Presenting on the Marketing and Measurement Stage at last year’s Event Tech Live was Keith McMahon. Keith is the owner of Venue View, an event tech company that creates virtual 3D tours of venues and events to maximise customer engagement. In November 2019, he took to the stage to explain how immersive technology can be utilised to broaden company-reach.

“When you immerse yourself with media, you remember it so much more,” he explained. To demonstrate this, he played a clip from the film, Jaws. When the audience watched it with headphones on, they experienced the video in a different way to when they watched it without. “You can hear the water splashing, you heard the raggedness of her breathing, you hear the now-famous music starting to build up.”

He explained this is the principle of immersive tech – putting your audience in an environment where they are immersed and involved in what you are doing.

On the Event Tech Live website, it offers a 3D tour of the venue. This allows exhibitors to gauge an idea of where their stands will be while introducing the layout to visitors.

This type of content is important due to the increasing demand for it. Online street view, 3D videos and smartphones have all accelerated the awareness of the existence of this technology as well as the advancements in it.

Keith explained what types of technology is available for organisers to utilise, providing examples of why they are beneficial. These examples included 360 photography, virtual tours, 3D tours, virtual reality and 360 videos and live 360 streaming.

Event Tech Live is a two-day event dedicated to showcasing the best event technology from around the world. It is returning on 4th-5th November 2020 at The Old Truman Brewery, London.

This video was kindly captured by our friends at First Sight Media.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: