Event Tech Lab to celebrate 5th anniversary with annual BBQ


Event professionals from agencies, the corporate sector and a variety of technology companies will be treated to an open-air BBQ at Tresham House Gardens, Red Lion Square in Holborn, on Wednesday 11th September 2019.

Last year, the lab hosted over 100 event professionals to celebrate all things ‘techy’. This year – again with major sponsorship from Event Tech Live, the Event Technology Awards and Evolution Dome – the BBQ promises to be bigger and better.

Event Tech Lab founder, James Morgan, said, “This is simply a free-flow informal get-together for event professionals and technology companies who want to come and celebrate technology as well as our 5th anniversary.

“We invite you to come along for some light-hearted banter, great music, cold beer and wine and a tasty BBQ. Talk about nerdy tech stuff, your events and exchange ideas, and knowledge on technology and innovation in the event industry”.

Adam Parry, editor of Event Industry News, and Abi Cannons from Reed Exhibitions, will be on the bar; both getting involved in tech-heavy conversations with attendees whilst serving drinks. The ‘news-shots’ – popular with all attendees – is an opportunity to give a piece of news for a shot of tequila.

Register for the event here.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com