The future of #eventtech in venues


For the first episode in our series of Event Tech Live 2019 replays, we are showing a panel discussion on the future of technology within UK venues. Joining the panel at the Brand & Buzz Stage was Shaun Hinds, CEO at Manchester Central Convention Centre; Kuldip Sandhu, CIO and head of technology at ExCel Convention Centre and Gary Exall, the director at Noba.

During the discussion, the three experts looked into current innovations, how technology will be utilised to improve the delegate/organiser experience and if venue WiFi will amaze or underwhelm in the future.

Moderated by Caleb Parker, the founder and director of Bold, the discussion first turned towards ‘smart venues’. Hinds kicked off with his own description on what he believes makes a smart venue, stating that it comes down to infrastructure.

Sandhu added that technology is an “enabler” for a venue to become ‘smart’. Digital signage, content management systems and WiFi are all technologies that can enable venues to improve. However, he also stated that technology should be utilised after considering the needs of the customers – only deploy technology if it improves the customer journey.

Drawing on the technology side of the discussion, Exall described the issues surrounding some of the technology that was highlighted such as facial recognition. He underlined the issues that venues would have implementing such technology and why they wouldn’t be practical at events.

The panellists also discussed current trials of technology being undertaken throughout the world and how they might be deployed in events.

Parker invited questions from the audience to finish the session.

Event Tech Live is Europe’s only show dedicated to the world of event technology. It ran from 6th-7th November 2019 at The Old Truman Brewery. It will return there next year on 4th-5th November.

This footage was kindly captured by our friends at First Sight Media.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: