Gamification to engage attendees & increase mobile adoption


This footage has been kindly captured by our friends at First Sight Media –

At last year’s Event Tech Live, Nick Tinker, business development manager at CrowdCrompass by Cvent, addressed the audience at the Conference and Creativity Stage. He used his talk to discuss gamification and how it can be used to engage attendees and increase mobile adoption.

Pressure on organisers to create audience-engagement easily mounts during a live event and more professionals are moving towards technology and social media to create meaningful connections.

Nick used his time in front of the Conference and Creativity audience to demonstrate how gamification can be used to establish these connections. 

Referring to the Zeigarnik Effect – the tension we feel as a result of an incomplete task – Nick explained that gamification can be used to maximise this effect and entice attendees into finishing digital or mobile tasks.

“What we need to do first is look at the event goals,” Nick said, stating that gamification needs to be in line with the aims of the event to be utilised effectively. Using technology for the sake of it puts it at risk of it becoming another “gimmick”. Gamification needs to be adapted to the event for it to bear fruitful results. 

Nick demonstrated this with notifications. 97% of notifications are read, therefore, it is advisable to include them in gamification methods. These notifications can then be altered to signal certain tasks or indicate different levels.

“It’s really important to integrate social into this as well,” Nick concluded, demonstrating the advantages it has for marketing the event.

“Delegates essentially become advocates for your event.”

Event Tech Live, Europe’s only free-to-attend show dedicated to event technology will return to the Old Truman Brewery on 6th-7th November 2019.

If you would like to register for updates, please see here.

For more information, visit

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: