All About Events 2019 conference: Maintaining good working practices for event professionals


The inaugural All about events conference is taking place on Tuesday 16th July 2019, etc Venues Monument, London. 

This one-day conference is aimed at event professionals currently working in the industry and looking to equip themselves with the insight and know how to input good working practices into their own role in the events industry. 

Good working practices are essential in an industry where pressure and long hours go hand in hand, especially if you are working without a senior event professional to guide you in how you should be working or what skills you need to learn for the role.

Professionals can take advantage of this opportunity to learn more by taking part in practical workshops and networking during this action-packed programme on the day. 

We have Sarah Byrne, Director at Mosaic Events holding a workshop on how revenue events can differ and how important it is to understand these differences to plan effectively. 

Steve Blake, Founding Member of Storm 4 events who will be talking about Event Safety: What could possibly go wrong?

Tim Sutter, Business Development manager from Cvent is speaking about the Power of live events and how you can get more from them.

Leading the day; Jenny Phillips, Director/Event Manager, Jenny Inc Limited will be digging deep into the topic of good practices and what we can do to make sure we are working effectively. 

We will also have a session on wellbeing at work and how do you maintain your own wellbeing whilst working on events?, find out the answer to this and more interesting event topics as they become released

If you are interested in getting involved contact us on as we have several opportunities available.

Tickets can be purchased through the website at

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.