Lime Venue Portfolio & BCD partner to go “Beyond Food”


Lime Venue Portfolio and BCD Meetings & Events are partnering to carry out far-reaching and extensive research into food and sustainability within the meeting and event industry. The campaign, Beyond Food, will be a shared initiative between the two brands, and will include research, insight and investigation, with commentary from across leadership figures and organisations, both within and outside of the industry.

The initiative has been launched off the back of extensive research from Lime Venue Portfolio, which brings to light the economic impact of food production and the positive role event businesses can play. BCD Meetings & Events and Lime Venue Portfolio will produce a series of reports, round tables discussions and video interviews that will be published online and shared for use by the wider industry. 

“Food and sustainability is a subject that both brands take very seriously indeed and we both wanted to lead on researching, and sharing publicly, the issues we face as an industry,” commented John Kelly, director, Marketing EMEA, BCD Meetings & Events. “As well as building intelligence that evidences our impact on the environment, we’re looking to work with experts, both outside and inside our industry, to pose positive solutions that we can all benefit from.”

“We’re keen to get food back on the agenda within the event industry, and not just as a nice pleasant thing to have, but as something that can make a positive difference to the world, and the individual experience of every delegate,” commented Jo Austin, sales director, Lime Venue Portfolio. “To do this, we will be creating a collaboration between caterers and our many leading venues, and through our customers and ultimately their delegates. Partnering with BCD is a massive step to make this happen.”

“For us, sustainability is one of the biggest issues the industry will be addressing over the next 18 months,” concluded John. “The research encompasses the environment, but also the purpose behind what we do as an industry and how we go about our business.”

Beyond Food kicks off later this month (August), with content going live throughout the remainder of 2019. There will also be a series of roundtable events and discussions, where the findings will be shared with the industry. 

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: