Event Fuel wins ‘Best Event Team’ at Event Industry Awards 2019


Dublin-based events agency, Event Fuel, came away from the Event Industry Awards (EIA) 2019 with more than just happy memories of a glamorous night after bagging the award for the Best Event Team.

Founded in 2013, the six-year-old company has already built a telling collection of successful projects. These include events such as conferences, brand activations, pop-ups and experiential events commissioned by the likes of Cadbury, Airbnb, Dropbox and Paddy Power.

Managing director, Jamie Deasy, spoke to Event Industry News about the win: “It is always nice to be recognised at an event such as the EIA. We are delighted that our team can celebrate such a win after all its hard work, and we feel awards like this really motivate and promote a winning culture within.”

Submitting an entry into the EIA since 2016, Jamie told us that Event Fuel had a hopeful feeling about this year due to the measure of successful events it had assiduously created over the last year.

Brian McDermott, also the managing director, added: “The last 12 months have been the most exciting and successful in Event Fuel’s short history! We feel we won Best Team because we have grown our talent force by an incredible 46% over the past six months and we boast a really diverse team that is achieving incredible results.

“We work using effective collaboration systems, with each team member being fully aware of how her/his skills and talents fit with the rest. Problem-solving is a skill the Event Fuel team thrive on and we are really motivated to do this for our clients and also when collaborating with each other.”

Launched in 2009, the EIA aims to showcase and celebrate the very best in Ireland’s event industry. This year’s annual gala awards ceremony (July 2019) marked its 11thedition which gathered Ireland’s top innovators and event leaders.

Commenting on the evening, event manager, Dermot Watchorn, said: “It is a great night full of super people including some of our suppliers that you don’t always get to celebrate a successful year with. It’s also always nice to be able to let the hair down at an event, and not be worried about the AV, the lighting or the talent!”

This content is sponsored by Event Fuel.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com