Event Technology Awards Judges’ Spotlight: Tim Manning


Returning to the Event Technology Awards judging panel 2018 is Swarm Founder & Director Tim Manning.

Full Name: Tim Manning

Company: Swarm (Founder & Director) Scoop Retail (Consultant) Unpri (Digital Strategy Lead)

I am currently seeking start-ups who I can help get from start-up to £1m to help raise seed funding.

1) How did your career lead you to your current job?

Sports degree & masters, health clubs with Forte and Whitbread, started consulting into venue & visitor attractions, moved agency side with Imagination, TRO, WPP Agencies for clients Like Ford, Adidas, Nike, Shell, GM.

2) What events have you been involved with recently and which events are your favourite to work on and why?

Generally new car model reveals, worldwide reveals, media & b2b events, fanfests & world cups.

My favourite events to have been involved with are hiring the JP Morgan Bank in Wall Street, inviting 150 bloggers to an adidas event with assets including David Villa and Yohan Blake to launch the adidas Ultraboost 2 to the world.

3) What type of event technology would you like to see improved or developed and why?

Grass roots technology that enables every delegate at every event to become engaged in the digital layer sitting above a conference, exhibition or launch event.

4) Is there a particular piece of event technology that has impressed or inspired you?


5) What technology do you think is overhyped?

Too many silo technologies that don’t link to an ecosystem to make things easier for the consumer.

What professional experiences can you draw on to judge the Event Technology Awards?

Empathising with the delegate. My degree and masters focused on the psychology of behaviour change so I always ask the question: ‘how do we nudge the delegate to act in the rational way that we would desire?’ it’s harder than it sounds!

6) What are you most looking forward to as an Event Technology Awards judge

The search for the eureka technology when I can gasp and yell ‘By jove, they’ve got it!’

7) Name one app you cannot live without and why?

Fitbit. Wellness is both a personal and a corporate responsibility. We should encourage society to move more, decelerate sometimes and focus on the present.

The Event Technology Awards ceremony returns to Troxy on November 7, between the two days of Event Tech Live 2018.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.