The events sector is currently operating at 1-5% of normal capacity


The Government have so far failed to engage with MP’s questions regarding the lack of support for companies, freelancers and staff from the events sector. As the industry appears to be ignored, the question is being taken direct to their door.

The protest will be socially distanced and showcase the professionalism of the events industry. Registration, track & trace and masks are required.

#WeMakeEvents statement (24/9/20):

“With the increased restrictions that have been announced, it looks unlikely that we will be able to return to work in a financially viable way within the next six months.

This means that the majority of businesses in our sector will not be able to generate sufficient revenue to support their contribution towards employees’ salaries, nor will they be able to contract in the huge self-employed community within the industry.”

The Government’s Jobs Support Scheme is designed to help industries operating at 30-50% of normal capacity. The events sector is currently operating at 1-5% of normal capacity. The JSS is therefore irrelevant to the events sector.

The government says they are supporting viable businesses. Hugh Jones, owner of HPSS, a Hull based event supply company said:

“My company was set for double digit growth with 2020’s order book. The majority of those bookings have moved to 2021. If Mr Sunak wants to support viable companies, we are one. But we need to make it to next April when that work starts.”

Without Government support for the companies whose incomes have been snatched away, there will be no jobs for the workforce to return to.

Culture Recovery Fund

A Conservative MP’s question to the DCMS confirmed that the event supply chain companies cannot apply for the much quoted “£1.57bn” for the arts. Every time this figure is quoted in response to MP’s questions, the Government should be embarrassed that they understand so little about the 6th largest sector of the economy.

A Nationwide Industry

Bournemouth University published a report: “The Value of Outdoor events (2018)”. This publication breaks down the value of the industry by region – and it shows that a lack of support is going to affect every region of the country.

Youth Employment and Training

50% of workers join the industry before the age of 20, and receive specialist training and qualifications. The Government want to support youth employment – this industry delivers.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.