How Event Tech Live uses data to improve visitor flow, stand layout, and attendee experience


Speaking at a conference held by Exposure Analytics, Event Tech Live’s co-founder, Adam Parry, discussed the benefits of visitor-mapping technology at events. He explained the difficult process of deciding which tech suppliers to use for an event that is, essentially, all about technology.

Exposure Analytics has worked with Event Tech Live for the last five years, using its suite of technology to collect data on visitor movements. Adam, as the show organiser, explained he had to ask the question: ‘is this technology beneficial, or is it just nice to have?’ 

Describing it as “instrumental” to Event Tech Live’s progression, Adam used the data received from Exposure Analytics’ technology, alongside a floor-planning company, to create a better visitor-flow, and therefore, provide a better customer experience.

Some of the technology used to anonymously capture audience movement picks up devices searching for a WiFi network. Routes and dwell times around stands for any attendees carrying smart devices such as phones, tablets or laptops can then be analysed.

The technology is so accurate that it doesn’t mistake attendees carrying several devices as more than one person: it recognises that the devices are moving in sync and identifies the movement as one attendee.

The technology also discounts any devices present during the show build, thus, eliminating suppliers and organisers from the visitor-count.

The attendees detected by Exposure Analytics and the number of actual attendees was out by two, demonstrating just how accurate the technology is.

The information can also be contributory for post-event decisions and allows organisers to “back up” their decisions, such as design and layout for the next event. Organisers can therefore justify to potential exhibitors their decisions regarding stand locations, which entrances to use and where they will place premium stage locations.

The use of Exposure Analytics technology has enabled Event Tech Live to ensure that all space is effectively used, as demonstrated by the heat map from the 2018 event.

If you are interested in attending future events with Exposure Analytics and Event Industry News, please get in touch.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: