Glastonbury-style’ B2B trade event for the talent acquisition industry ‘RecFest’ hailed as a huge success


Over 4,200 delegates from the global TA and EB industry descended on Knebworth last week to celebrate, learn and network at this game changing event.

RecFest, the UK’s only B2B festival for the talent acquisition industry returned to celebrate its sector, with the sold-out event featuring 10 stages which played host to over 100 game-changing speakers from both inside and outside the talent acquisition industry.

RecFest completely broke the mould with its unique take on what it means to attend an industry event, with its primary aim, to celebrate the hard work that dedicated professionals put in day-to-day to change people’s lives.

Organisers, The Recruitment Events Company were proud to offer an alternative to the traditional conference and trade show format.

Since the event, over 1000 surveys have been returned with 92% of attendees saying that they will be retuning next year.

This year, the event headed to the legendary Knebworth House world-renowned for its rich history in rock festivals and music concerts, fully embracing the festival-style nature of RecFest.

Top-level speaker content was delivered from grand Big Tops & Domes and the experiences and immersive activities on the day were like no other.

Household names such as Olympian Rebecca Aldington OBE and Mims Davies MP, headlined the stages alongside dynamic industry thought-leaders including Raj Gill, Global Talent Acquisition Manager at BT and Robert Long, Chief Human Resources Officer at Workable.

One delegate commented:” I’ve never seen or experienced anything quite like it.

“Thousands of experts, fantastic presentations, hours of learning followed by Reggie Yates DJ set, Noasis and Judge Jules!”

The event Included unique networking opportunities, top quality content, immersive activities, and what has quickly become a legendary afterparty.

RecFest is the brainchild of Founder and CEO Jamie Leonard, who believes that the event should first and foremost champion the community it serves.

The event was born in 2014 as an annual conference however it wasn’t until 2019 that the ambition of delivering a full-on festival style event was realised. A peripatetic event, RecFest has since been hosted by Dreamland Margate and Mudchute Park taking 2020 to deliver a virtual experience due to the pandemic.

Mark Horley, Chief Creative Officer & Founder-Toinic said: “This was BY FAR the best event I’ve ever been to!

“Yesterday over 4000 TA professionals met at RecFest and I’m blown away by the level of conversations, knowledge-sharing, and insights we got to experience.

“I’m almost in shock by the huge interest in Social Recruiting and all the new relationships, partners, and connections we made on sight!

“Thank you to everyone whom I had the pleasure to meet – the TA community is a global force and I’m so thankful to be a part of this amazing family.”

Discussing RecFest, CEO, Jamie Leonard said: “Our aim has always been to celebrate the TA community and to create a shared experience away from beige conference rooms, shirts & ties, and tired regurgitated content.

“The RecFest motto is to be daringly different and refreshingly so in our approach. We believe in upskilling, connecting, engaging whilst entertaining our delegates.

“To us, the event should be a unique experience and a real celebration whilst delivering interesting, thoughtful and important content. At the end of the day, our delegates are human beings and are looking for connections!”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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