EFS Europe pays respects on Remembrance Sunday


Leicester’s largest Remembrance Day service was supported by one of the city’s own suppliers – EFS Europe Ltd…EFS marked its 6th year in a row supplying this year’s Leicester City Victoria Park Remembrance Event with its Temp-A-Path flooring system. 

Thousands of people from all over Leicestershire and beyond came together on Sunday 10th November to pay tribute to those that lost their lives during Service.  A parade made up of members of the armed forces, veterans and cadets marched from De Montfort Hall, along Centenary Walk to the Arch of Remembrance shortly before the service started.

Having won a competitive tender for the contract back in 2014, EFS Europe were required to supply and install 2800m² of Temp-a-Path™ temporary footpath product this year, which was used to protect the parks natural grounds.

The 2019 service utilised Temp-A-Path to create clean and clear access for the invited guests and visitors, including the Bishop of Leicester, the Right Reverend Martyn Snow, who led the service. The lightweight, interlocking plastic flooring system also provided a stable base for the thousands of chairs set out to accommodate the congregation.

In addition to Temp-A-Path, EFS Europe also supplied and installed 3 rolls of 3m x 30m of its high-quality Podium Flat carpet in a mahogany finish. The carpet was used to create a walkway from the seating area to the war memorial itself, providing guests with well-presented access to lay wreaths and pay their respects. The carpet was also used to cover the podium upon which a lone trumpeter played the last post. The carpet was installed with a protective plastic top-cover that remained in place until the last minute, ensuring the carpet was in pristine condition for the start of the event.

Installation of the Temp-A-Path took place on Saturday 9th November, with the carpet being laid on the early Sunday morning.  The uplift was done immediately after the service concluded on Monday 11th November in the afternoon.

EFS Europe’s MD, Jeremy Simpson, said: “I’ve said many times before that despite working across the UK, supplying events in our home city is always special. My grandfather served in both the first and second World Wars within the Leicestershire Regiment, so from a personal point of view I was extremely proud to have participated in the service.

“The event had huge significance this year, which made it even more special for us to be involved. We were delighted with the outcome and very pleased to have returned the park to its normal state the Sunday afternoon.”

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com