EventsCase launches £50,000 Employee Aid Fund


The tech company wants to support those who are adversely affected by the pandemic, especially employees who are financially ‘vulnerable’ during these difficult times.

EventsCase has made available to its employees worldwide a £50,000 relief fund to meet the economic needs that may arise from the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The EventsCase management wants to transmit a message of support and confidence to its more than 50 employees spread all over the United Kingdom, Spain, UAE and USA.

Any team member who is experiencing a particularly challenging situation can apply for financial assistance from the company which will use said fund to advance a salary or bonus — or to apply any other compensation measures.

For Jose Bort, CEO and Co-founder of EventsCase: “Our company’s human resources is one of its most valuable assets. We wanted to make our support more official to our employees through this initiative. One of our guiding principles in EventsCase is to help those in need. ‘We are at your side if you need us,’ we always said to our clients. This time, the need to extend help goes inward to our very own team.”

Despite the fact that the events sector is one of the most affected by the global health crisis, the software company still maintains its growth forecasts intact as it has been able to adapt to the situation and has already implemented new solutions for holding both virtual and hybrid events.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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