Risk Management

Help Build a Strong Defense Against Cyber Threats

You can help the meetings industry develop best practices around event security, including cybersecurity, by participating in two short surveys.

Cybersecurity and event security threats are on everyone’s mind lately. To build a set of guidelines and a list of a accepted practices, the CIC APEX Standards Committee has commissioned a task force — APEX Cybersecurity Workgroup — to research the level of awareness of many types of cyber threats, the current level of preparedness of meetings organizations, and the meetings industry’s comprehension of the unique vulnerabilities they face at offsite events. 

You can help set the direction of the workgroup over the next year by taking part in a 25-question survey. You’ll add “critical input to our efforts to equip our industry to more clearly understand the issue so that we are better prepared when the bad guys strike,” says Michael Owen, managing partner for EventGenuity LLC, who is co-chairing the workgroup with Matt Harvey, vice president for client network services at PSAV.

You can also help educate the industry around event security, including cybersecurity,  by participating in Convene‘s short Reader Survey. (You can read those results in Convene‘s December issue — participants will get a sneak preview.) 


Barbara Palmer

Barbara Palmer is senior editor and director of digital content.