Here’s some more information, background and links to the second of the two sessions I delivered at IBTM in December.

Creative Event Ideas

This one was entitled 15 Creative Ideas. Here’s a link to the twenty minutes Pecha Kucha session and below is the accompanying slides.

From William's "Creative" session at IBTM in December.

From William’s “Creative” session at IBTM in December.

15 Creative Event Ideas

My aim was to help attendees (and viewers of the session) see that innovative events all share one or more of seven distinct themes. So it’s not too hard to be innovative, just simply, pick one of the themes! Within the content I dropped in some practical, creative ideas. However, my main objective was, just for 20 minutes, to support the #eventprofs in the audience to believe they are creative.

So move away from the spreadsheets and the deadlines and watch the session. I bet your next event will be more innovative.

Here is a link to the session. Twenty minutes, no more, no less.

Published On: January 17th, 2017 / Categories: Behavioural Change, Conference Architect, Innovation /