Events Industry Council announces 2022 Board of Directors


The Events Industry Council (EIC), the voice of the global business events today announced the election of its 2022 Board of Directors.

Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at IAEE (International Association of Exhibitions and Events) and Chief Executive Officer of CEIR (Center for Exhibition Industry Research) transitions to Chair of the EIC, having held the role of Chair-Elect in 2021. In her new position, Breden will be a key representative of the association and support EIC’s CEO, Amy Calvert, and EIC’s standing committees and taskforces as they create and implement new research and products to support the global events industry in its recovery. Cathy will also be responsible ensuring that EIC progresses towards its Vision 2025 and will have a key focus on growing EIC’s membership internationally where there is an opportunity to implement its education, certification, and accreditation programmes.

Commenting on her appointment to Chair of the EIC, Breden said: “Over the past year, I have seen firsthand how the guidance and information published by the EIC has benefited the global events sector in its recovery. I would personally like to thank the entire 2021 board, in particular Mark Cooper and Paul Van Deventer, for their dedication in what has been a tremendously challenging time for us all.

I am incredibly excited for the year ahead and alongside the Board of Directors, Amy and committee and taskforces members, will continue to drive and develop EIC’s reach and offering to further support the industry in its recovery.”

Breden will be supported by incoming Chair-Elect, Sherrif Karamat, President and Chief Executive Officer at PCMA. Sherrif has a wealth of knowledge of the global business and events sector and is a respected voice in the industry. Under his leadership, PCMA has become a key player in positioning the industry as a driver for socio-economic change.

Also nominated to the 2022 Board of Directors are:

Jason Dunn Sr, Immediate Past Chairman, NCBMP (National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals)

Jennifer Glynn, CIS, CITP – SITE 2020 President (Society for Incentive Travel Excellence)

Stephanie Harris, President, The Incentive Research Foundation

Brad Mayne, CVE – President and CE, IAVM (International Association of Venue Managers)

Amy Calvert, CEO of the Events Industry Council said: “I would like to thank the 2021 Board of Directors for their tireless efforts in supporting and guiding the EIC through what has been another uncertain year for the industry. In 2021, we had a number of significant successes, launching valuable resources and programmes to further develop and support our industry in its recovery.

“As we move into a new year, I am looking forward to working with our new and returning board members, partners and volunteer leaders as we continue to build on the momentum and achievements of 2021, with the introduction of some impactful and innovative projects focused on supporting our sector, building capabilities and resilience with an emphasis on people, planet and purpose.”

The Events Industry Council board is comprised of nominated members of the overall Events Industry Council that consists of more than 30 organisations in the events industry. These leaders are the governing body for the overall council with fiscal responsibility and strategic direction for all Events Industry Council programmes.

The full list of 2022 board members is listed below.

2022 Board of Directors Officers:

Chair: Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM – EVP & COO, IAEE (International Association of Exhibitions and Events) and CEO – CEIR (Center for Exhibition Industry Research)

Chair-Elect: Sherrif Karamat, President and CEO – PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association)

2022 Board of Directors:

Jason Dunn Sr, Immediate Past Chairman, NCBMP (National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals)

Jennifer Glynn, CIS, CITP – SITE 2020 President (Society for Incentive Travel Excellence)

Stephanie Harris, President, The Incentive Research Foundation

Brad Mayne, CVE – President and CE, IAVM (International Association of Venue Managers)

Continuing their terms on the Board of Directors

Mark Cooper, CEO – IACC (International Association of Conference Centres)

Senthil Gopinath, CEO – ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association)

Ana María Viscasillas, MBA, CDME, DES – Vice President, Board of Directors, COCAL (Federación de Entidades Organizadoras de Congresos y Afines de Latino América)

The Board of Directors listing can be found on the EIC website here.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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