Evolving Event Design with David Ball from Brandfuel


The second lecture in the University of Westminster’s autumn Event Design Lecture Series takes place on Monday 14th October. Brandfuel, the award-winning London based creative agency produces major experiences for Google and other global brands year on year. This includes designing the internationally acclaimed Zeitgeist event in the UK for the last 14 years. How have they kept it fresh to reinvigorate the attendee’s, when the location, format and often many of the guests are the same each year? David will be explaining how a client’s expectations change each year for the same event type, how the design process evolves to accommodate new attendee expectations and what design elements can be re-used or re-imagined each year. 

Having worked in the design industry for 13 years, David founded his own agency – Brandfuel, in 2005. The early work was largely 2D graphic design but it now delivers conferences, events, exhibitions and experiential activations globally, for some of the world’s biggest brands and fastest-growing companies as well as modern-day disruptors and challenger businesses. He has worked with major brands in hospitality, banking, telecommunications and technology and he has been delivering projects all over the world for Google, for the last sixteen years. Creative excellence, high production values and sustainability are at the core of the work being produced now for companies such as WeWork, Stripe, Cloudflare, Snapchat, Slack, Google and Android. 

The School of Architecture and Cities is hosting the Event Design Lecture Series on most Monday evenings during the autumn term. Register for free on Eventbrite for any of the sessions: search Event Design Lecture Series or go to our sponsors website Event Tech Lab for details of all the sessions here: http://www.eventtechlab.com/startupclinic/. The initiative is also being sponsored by Protec European Events, the European arm of Protec; one of the world’s largest technical and staging solutions companies. Its palette of event production resources and geographical reach includes Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. 

Industry luminary, Robert Dunsmore, has this to say: “The open lecture series at Westminster University is going from strength to strength – I enjoyed last year as both a speaker and a guest and this year the content looks even stronger. It’s good for the present and the future of our industry. It’s a rare network where the full spectrum of talent is sitting side by side and that’s what makes this series so healthy and rewarding to be involved with”.

Priya Narain of Boulevard Events attended some of the sessions last year and had this to say: “The series of these talks provides a great insight into the different areas of the event industry with speakers of a high calibre. Having attended some sessions last year, I know that these sessions are very interesting and highly engaging,so I will definitely be booking up for this year”.

Register for David Ball’s session on Monday 14th October here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/evolving-event-design-with-david-ball-event-design-open-lecture-series-tickets-72243770061

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com