Direct Acoustics brings Thermoline to the Showman’s Show 2021


Direct Acoustics specialises in acoustic and thermal solutions for marquees and temporary structures in the events & film industry.

Our acoustic products minimise and control problematic bass frequencies that conventional soundproofing cannot, including amplified music, urban traffic and all forms of environmental noise. We achieve this through our Kader fed mass loaded acoustic linings and intelligent highly directional speaker systems.

The post-pandemic world is a quieter place with less cars, trains and air traffic and as a result the population has developed an increased sensitivity to noise. The combination of venues hosting more events condensed into a smaller time period coupled with increasingly alert neighbours make it inevitable that complaints will rise making it harder for venues and events to obtain the licenses they need and maintain good relationships with local residents.

Direct Acoustics has over a decade of experience in providing suitable acoustic mitigation measures to resolve ongoing noise issues or achieve planning and licensing consent for exciting new venues. If you are concerned or need some guidance to alleviate any worries then stop by stand 140 at this year’s Showmans Show to chat with the team.

This year’s show will be the first time exhibiting Thermoline, our new patented thermal lining for clearspan marquees. Developed during the pandemic to offer a no-fuss, easy-to-install insulation, Thermoline has unparalleled results in stabilising temperatures in temporary structures. With a high thermal core resistance of up to 4.56m2K/W you can cut your energy consumption by up to 95%, thus removing the ongoing expense and unnecessary energy expenditure associated with heating or cooling your marquee.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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