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How To Sell Tickets Online Safely & Easily

Different Methods to Sell Tickets Online

Let’s get straight to the point – what is the best way to sell tickets online in 2021? Well, it’s Seatlab, obviously, though…we might not be totally impartial. That’s why we’ve written this blog, to run through a few things to think about when selling tickets online and also why we genuinely believe we have the best platform to do so!

So we obviously aren’t the only way to sell live event tickets online, there are actually quite a few different ways to go about it. In the simplest terms, you need somewhere to display the tickets, a buyer and a payment processing method. In theory, that’s it, but not all online ticket sales platforms are made the same. On top of that, there’s a load of different ways to generate potential buyers and a lot of practical considerations to take into account when making sure tickets are secure and validated.

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Reselling Websites

One way of selling tickets is to use a ticket reselling website. Reseller websites have become extremely popular in general, and as a result they benefit from having thousands of users ready to part with their cash in exchange for tickets.

However, it’s a crowded marketplace, with different events competing for attention and not all the customers browsing will be looking for your type of event. Other events have rules on tickets not being resold. In the UK, for example, reselling tickets for football matches is forbidden. 


Another approach is to use a standard product and shopping cart plugin for your website. Whilst these are great, they are often geared more towards physical products, and it can be hard to place tickets into preexisting product categories. 

Tickets are a really unique item to sell online. There’s a whole host of other aspects alongside the sale, like venue layout & capacity, additional merchandising or sales reporting to consider when selling tickets. This is why it can be hard to use an off-the-shelf solution.

Selling tickets online has many elements to it. That’s why, the best way to sell tickets online is often going to be a solution geared specifically towards selling tickets, like us (and a few others). But your customers have to get there, and that’s where we will begin our journey.

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There is an entire industry dedicated to figuring out how to get people to buy products. That’s because there’s so many different aspects to consider and various approaches to doing it.

There’s a key difference when marketing an event (ticket sales) instead of a physical product. With physical products, marketing sells a need, with a live event, marketing sells an experience. A physical product has a lifespan, but the memories from a live event can last for a lifetime. Without spending a fortune on a strategy, here are a few things you can be thinking about when it comes to the best way to sell tickets online in 2021.

Who are your customers?

So the first thing to consider before you start selling tickets is WHO your customers are going to be, by identifying your target demographic. This can be pretty easy if you have run a similar event before. Look at where the majority of your sales came from and target that group again! If you haven’t run a live event like this before, consider sneaking a peek at your competitors. If their event is successful then you should definitely be taking tips from them, including who their biggest customer group was.

In part, identifying your target audience will come down to the scope of your event: is it local, regional or global? Once you’ve identified this, you can consider where to advertise as well.

Seatlab features up to date reporting on the audience buying your tickets through our platform. This allows your marketing team to tailor their strategy as sales evolves.

With that, you can start to go after your customers with accuracy, and in the modern era, no marketing campaign to increase online ticket sales can take place without social media marketing, which means choosing the right hashtags. Hashtag research is an art form in itself, which is why there are many companies that specialise only in social media marketing. 

Man drawing out a workflow strategy

A great way to generate interest in social media marketing is giveaways or promotional discounts. Seatlab’s ticketing platform also integrates vouchers, promotional codes and one of discounts, meaning you can continue discounting promotional tickets to generate interest throughout the build-up to your event.

If your potential customers still aren’t biting, then it’s time to make sure they can find you on the search engines. SEO can be difficult because search engines don’t tell you exactly how they rank sites. This isn’t just because it’ll make it too easy for marketers, but it’s also their most important trade secret!

Keywords can be competitive, therefore expensive to rank for. That’s why a targeted keyword campaign will often look to engage potential customers on terms they might be searching for, often people ask search engines questions. A great example of how this could tie into a live event is if your event is being hosted in a city, try seeing how many people search for “Live events in X” or “What are the best date night activities in Y?”. In doing this, you’re trying to answer the questions your target demographic might be asking.

When those potential audience members reach your website and landing page, it has to be fully responsive and up to date. If you don’t have a website yet, Seatlab can create a modern, responsive website around selling tickets online. If you already have a great site, Seatlab’s integration team makes sure our system is fully optimized on your site for fast loading and mobile responsiveness. Our iFrame technology means our platform can sit in most existing websites.

One thing is certain, though: you always want to make it super easy for your customers to purchase your product. Things like being able to sign in through social media make Seatlab a super-easy way to sell tickets online. This brings us back to the most important part of this blog: your ticket sales platform.

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Top Tips: Sell Tickets Online Safely & Easily

Are you an event organiser looking to boost your ticket sales? Look no further! Selling event tickets online has never been easier. With the rise of online platforms, you can now reach a wider audience and increase your chances of filling up your venue. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual ticket sales and hello to the convenience of online ticketing.

By utilising ticketing sites like Seatlab and creating engaging event pages, you can attract interested buyers from all over. Whether it’s a virtual event or an in-person gathering, online ticket sales offer numerous benefits for event organizers like yourself. Imagine the potential when your upcoming event is just a few clicks away from thousands of eager attendees.

But how do you get started? In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about selling event tickets online. From setting up an enticing event registration page to leveraging social media platforms like Facebook events, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to maximizing your ticket sales with ease!

Interested in learning more? Let’s get started!

Step 1: Choosing the Right Platform for Selling Event Tickets Online: Seatlab

Are you ready to sell tickets online for your next big event? Look no further than Seatlab, the ultimate marketing platform designed specifically for selling event tickets online. With our impressive features and advantages, Seatlab is the ideal choice for anyone looking to simplify the ticket-selling process. Let’s explore why Seatlab should be your go-to platform.

Find out why Seatlab is the ideal platform for selling event tickets online

Seatlab stands out among other platforms thanks to our comprehensive solution tailored to meet all your ticket-selling needs. Here’s why it’s the perfect fit:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Seatlab provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that allows you to set up your ticket sales quickly. You don’t need any technical expertise to navigate through the platform and start selling tickets effortlessly.
  • Customisable Ticketing Options: With Seatlab, you have full control over how you want to sell your tickets. Whether it’s general admission, reserved seating, or VIP packages, you can create various ticket types with different pricing options to cater to diverse audience preferences.
  • Seamless Integration: Seamlessly integrate Seatlab with your existing website or social media platforms without any hassle. This integration ensures a smooth customer experience, as potential buyers can purchase tickets directly from your preferred channels.
  • Secure Payment Processing: Security is a top priority, and we understand this concern. Our platform offers secure payment processing methods that protect both sellers and buyers from potential fraud or data breaches.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your ticket sales performance with real-time analytics. Track metrics such as sales volume, revenue generated, and customer demographics to make informed decisions regarding marketing strategies and target audience engagement.
  • Mobile-Friendly Experience: In today’s mobile-driven world, Seatlab ensures your ticket sales are accessible on any device. With a responsive design, potential buyers can easily purchase tickets from their smartphones or tablets, boosting convenience and maximising your reach.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Online Ticket Store in 5 Simple Steps

Follow our easy-to-follow guide on setting up your own online ticket store.

Setting up an online ticket store may seem daunting, but with our simple step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to create a user-friendly and attractive platform in no time. Whether you’re organising a concert, conference, or sports event, having an efficient ticketing system is crucial for maximising sales and ensuring a smooth experience for your customers. So let’s dive into the five steps to set up your online ticket store!

Choose the Right Platform

The first step in setting up your online ticket store is selecting the right platform. Obviously, we’re biased, but we recommend Seatlab; it’s a user-friendly platform that provides all the necessary tools to create and manage your ticketing website. With Seatlab, you can easily customise your store’s design and layout to match your brand identity.

Create a Captivating Event Page

Once you have signed up, it’s time to create an enticing event page. This page will be where customers provide their details and purchase tickets. Make sure to include clear instructions on how to complete the purchase process and highlight any early bird discounts or special offers available.

This is your chance to really sell your event to potential customers!

Set Up Ticket Categories and Pricing Options

To make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for, organise your tickets into categories based on seating sections or event types. For example:

  • General Admission
  • VIP Access
  • Student Discount

Offer different pricing options within each category, such as early bird pricing or group discounts. By providing various choices, you cater to different customer preferences and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Optimise Your Store for Maximum Conversions

To optimise your online ticket store for maximum conversions, consider implementing these tips:

Use high-quality visuals and videos to showcase the event and create excitement.

Include clear calls-to-action, guiding visitors towards the ticket purchase process.

Offer flexible refund policies to build trust with your customers.

Explore Proven Strategies to Effectively Promote Your Event and Boost Ticket Sales

Promoting your event is crucial to driving ticket sales and ensuring a successful turnout. By implementing effective strategies, you can reach a wider audience and generate interest in your event. Here are some proven methods to consider:

  • Social Media Marketing: Leverage the power of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your event. Create engaging posts, share sneak peeks, and encourage followers to spread the word. Utilize relevant hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list of potential attendees or previous customers who might be interested in your event. Send out personalised emails with enticing offers, early bird discounts, or exclusive content related to the event.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who have a significant following relevant to your target audience. They can help create buzz around your event by sharing their experiences or endorsing it on their platforms.
  • Content Marketing: Create compelling content such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts that provide value to your target audience while subtly promoting your event. Share this content across various channels and encourage others to share it as well.
  • Paid Advertising: Consider investing in paid advertising through platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Target specific demographics based on location, interests, or behaviour patterns to maximise exposure.
  • Partnerships & Cross-Promotion: Collaborate with other businesses or organisations that align with your event’s theme or target audience. Cross-promote each other’s events through social media shoutouts, email newsletters, or joint marketing campaigns.

Learn How to Leverage Various Marketing Channels to Reach a Wider Audience

To ensure maximum reach for your event promotion efforts, it’s essential to explore different marketing channels. Here are some options to consider:

  • Traditional Media: Don’t overlook the power of traditional media outlets such as newspapers, radio, and television. Submit press releases or pitch your event to local journalists for potential coverage.
  • Event Listing Websites: Utilise popular event listing websites like Meetup or Facebook Events to create detailed event listings. Optimise your descriptions with relevant keywords and eye-catching visuals.
  • Community Outreach: Engage with local communities, organisations, or clubs that might be interested in your event. Offer guest speakers, sponsorships, or discounts to encourage their participation and help spread the word.
  • Referral Programs: Implement a referral program where existing ticket holders can earn incentives for referring friends or colleagues to attend the event. This incentivises word-of-mouth promotion and can significantly boost ticket sales.

Discover Innovative Ways to Create Buzz Around Your Event and Generate Interest

To make your event stand out from the crowd and generate interest among potential attendees, consider these innovative strategies:

  • Contests & Giveaways: Organise contests or giveaways on social media platforms where participants have a chance to win free tickets or exclusive merchandise related to the event.

Optimising Your Event Listing for Search Engines to Increase Visibility

So, you’ve created an amazing event listing, and now it’s time to make sure it gets seen by as many people as possible. That’s where search engine optimisation (SEO) comes in. By implementing some essential SEO techniques, you can increase the visibility of your event listing and attract more potential ticket buyers. Let’s dive into how you can optimize your listing for search engines.

Unlock the potential of search engine optimisation (SEO) to increase visibility for your event listing.

Search engine optimisation is all about making your event listing more visible on search engines like Google. When someone searches for keywords related to your event, you want your listing to show up at the top of the results page. This will drive organic traffic to your landing page and ultimately increase ticket sales.

Learn essential SEO techniques that will help you rank higher in search engine results.

To improve your ranking in search engine results, there are a few key techniques you should focus on:

  • Targeted Keywords: Identify relevant keywords that people might use when searching for events like yours. Incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your event description and title.
  • Meta Tags: Optimise meta tags such as title tags and meta descriptions with targeted keywords to provide a concise summary of your event.
  • Content Optimisation: Ensure that the content on your landing page is well-written, informative, and engaging. Use headings, bullet points, and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier for readers to skim through.
  • Image Optimisation: Use descriptive alt text for images on your landing page so that search engines can understand what they represent.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Make sure your landing page is responsive and mobile-friendly since an increasing number of users access the internet through their smartphones.

Discover how targeted keywords, meta tags, and content optimisation can improve organic traffic.

By strategically incorporating targeted keywords into your event listing, you increase the chances of it appearing in search results when people search for those specific terms. This can lead to a significant boost in organic traffic, as more people will discover your event and be compelled to purchase tickets.

Optimising meta tags such as title tags and meta descriptions not only helps with SEO but also provides potential attendees with a concise summary of what your event is all about. A well-crafted meta description can entice users to click on your listing and learn more about the event.

Content optimisation plays a crucial role in attracting both search engines and human readers. By structuring your content effectively, using relevant headings, bullet points, and subheadings, you make it easier for search engines to understand the context of your event. Engaging content keeps visitors on your landing page longer, increasing the likelihood of ticket sales.

Ensuring a Smooth Ticket Purchase Experience for Attendees

Create a seamless ticket purchase experience by using Seatlab

Providing a seamless and user-friendly experience is essential. By using Seatlab and implementing user-friendly features, you can ensure that potential ticket buyers have a smooth purchasing journey.

Here are some ways we create an effortless ticket purchase experience:

Intuitive Interface: We have designed a clean and intuitive interface to make it easy for attendees to navigate through the website or app, find events, select seats, and proceed with the purchase.

  • Clear Event Information: Provide detailed information about each event to help potential buyers make informed decisions. Include event descriptions, dates, times, venue details, and any additional relevant information that may influence their decision to purchase tickets.
  • Interactive Seat Selection: Incorporate an interactive seat selection feature into your ticketing system. This allows attendees to choose their preferred seats from an available seating chart. Ensure that the seat selection process is straightforward and visually appealing.

Why Seatlab?

It’s our job to create the perfect ticketing platform for your event, so you can concentrate on everything else involved in making a great show. Our platform is able to support a diverse range of ticketed events whilst still allowing for plenty of customisable options to suit more bespoke events.

For example, Seatlab offers its clients the option of setting their own booking fees, which they themselves keep 100% of. We did this because we know how important it is to be able to allocate funds where they are needed, as the build-up to a live event unfolds. As a result of this feature, our clients make an average of 7% more revenue per ticket when compared with our rivals.

Venue, Security and User Experience

We also know it’s important to maximise venue capacity, whilst still balancing the user experience. Our platform allows clients to fully map out their venue. Customers browsing for tickets can then zoom in on the different areas of the venue and select their exact seat.

Our algorithm ensures that there aren’t too many empty seats left between booked parties either. As tickets are booked, our algorithm adjusts to show new customers seats which fit around the ones already booked ensuring there aren’t odd ones in between.

This is backed up by our “Best Available” feature, which shows users how a small upsell could improve their experience by showing the best seats available to them at the time of purchase.

These features mean customers are able to choose the ticket they are buying, down to the exact view their seat will provide (if applicable). As ticket sellers, you don’t have to worry about those awkward single seats that nobody ends up buying!

Seatlab’s ticketing platform provides each customer with their own unique barcode on the ticket, which when scanned, immediately logs as “used” in our cloud-based hosting. This aids in venue security and crowd safety.

Payments and Data

Seatlab has its own payment system integrated with the platform, but we are able to incorporate most major payment providers if you already have your own one of choice. Data is securely stored using the latest encryption methods.

As your customers checkout, Seatlab is able to handle additional purchases as add ons, like merchandising or food & drink inside the venue. Your audience wearing merchandising before or after an event is free marketing and is a great opportunity to promote your brand or event.

Wrapping Up

We have been trying to answer the question, what is the best way to sell tickets online? To do that, we’ve spoken about how to get customers to your site and generate interest in your event. 

We’ve also focused on the features of Seatlab as an online sales platform which we feel best aids your audience and you in balancing a safe and fun ticketed event.

But there are plenty more features of Seatlab which make us a great choice for selling tickets online. If you’d like to find out more about those features, just get in touch to talk to a Seatlab advisor, who will happily arrange a demonstration of what we can do for your event.

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